Welcome to Bryan County Animal Control Services
Here you can report a violation of the Bryan County Animal Control Ordinance, such as animals at large, animal negligence and public nuisances. This portal may also be used to submit requests for traps.
You do not need to create an account to submit a request.
To start the process, click on "Submit a Request" in the left-hand panel. Once your request is submitted, please allow at least one business day for an animal control officer to respond or investigate.If you need assistance submitting a request or have questions, you may call a Customer Service representative at (912)653-5252 or (912)756-3177.
For Code Enforcement complaints regarding barking dogs, farm animals, etc. you can submit a request via their portal (click to navigate to Code Enforcement Portal)
If you are reporting an Animal Bite please call Bryan County Animal Control immediately or contact the sheriff's department if after hours.
Bryan County Animal Control:
Monday - Friday 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Pembroke: (912)653-3816
Richmond Hill: (912)727-3884